World Class HSE Consultants, Trainers & Coaches

HS Offshore services offer Yellow fever Vaccine

Our clinic are accredited centre to do the following medical examination.

We offer yellow fever vaccine at affordable rate. Can take by local and international travellers.

Venue : No.2A, Jalan BS9/7B, Taman Bukit Serdang, 43300 Seri Kembangan, Selangor Darul Ehsan *closed on weekends and Public Holidays

Day : Monday to Friday

For more information regarding the Yellow Fever Vaccine and assistance, you may also call our clinic careline number, +603-8957-9292 . Thank you.

Type of Vaccine:

  • Live attenuated vaccine

Number of doses:

  • One single dose of 0.5ml


  • Egg allergy, immunodeficiency from medication, disease or symptomatic HIV infection, hypersensitivity to a previous dose and pregnancy.

Adverse reactions::

  • Rarely encephalitis or hepatic failure

Before departure:

  • International certificate of vaccination becomes valid 10 days after the date of vaccination.

Recommended for:

  • All travelers to endemic zones and wherever mandatory.

Special precautions:

  • Not for infants under 12 months of age.

Pre-employment Medical Examination

A Pre-employment Exam is a means to establish baseline health data against which the future health status of the employee be compared.

It is also a means of identifying existing medical conditions, which could be adversely affected by occupational exposures.

The medical pre-employment medical check-up may include the following:

  • A comprehensive medical, social and occupational history
  • Appropriate Physical Examination
  • ECG
  • Urinalysis
  • Further investigations will depend on companies requirement.

Reminder to Malaysian who wants to go to the endemic countries

  • Malaysians are advised to take the vaccination at least 10 days before the date of departure to endemic countries for protection against infection.
  • To carry the international certificate of vaccination during travel for health check.
  • To report to Entry Point Health Office on arrival in Malaysia for health check.

Other Medical Packages

Our clinic are accredited centre to do the following medical examination.

  • Executive Health Screening
  • SHELL Offshore Medical Examination
  • Pre-University Medical Examination
  • Vaccinations for Travellers
  • Travellers Medical Examination
  • Onshore Medical Examination (for plant entrance eg RAPID Pengerang)
Office Telephone: +603-8957-9292
No.2A, Jalan BS9/7B, Taman Bukit Serdang, 43300 Seri Kembangan, Selangor Darul Ehsan